جاري تحميل الصفحة
مدارس المهدي
الخميس, 08 كانون1/ديسمبر 2016 17:48

!Lebanon is Under Attack

In the Name of God

 Jawad Krayem                                                                                                       

Lebanon is Under Attack!

      One day, the Israeli invaders attacked Lebanon. I decided to join the army to protect my country, so I went to the market. I bought: a sword, a horse, a bridle, and a saddle. Then I wore the armor and bid a sad farewell to my family. At war, I was a brave and strong knight. Many soldiers lost their lives. I protected Lebanon for 15 years. Then, I returned as a great general, triumphant and victorious! The prince called me to his high palace. He said, “I will give you a lot of gold.” I replied, “No, I only want a little bit of gold.” Then he answered, “Ok, take a little bit of gold.” So, he bestowed me with the gold. Finally, I went home and my family was proud of me.



تموز 2024
الأحد الإثنين الثلاثاء الأربعاء الخميس الجمعة السبت
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Homeالصفحة التربويةمساحة للأهلعرض العناصر حسب علامة : جمعية نداء الارض