جاري تحميل الصفحة
مدارس المهدي


كانون1 16, 2017
قيم الموضوع
(1 تصويت)

A speech that included a message to Trump to protest against his tyrant decision from Grade Six Students in Al-Mahdi School  Al-Qatrani

:I would like to say to Trump

.We don’t care about your decision & we won’t

.Think before you take a decision that affects other countries not related to you

.You aren’t the guardian of the world, or the guardian of the Arab countries or Palestine

!Mind your own troubled self

!Mind your own people

.WE take decisions for ourselves

!Israel - doesn’t - have - a space on the map

!!Today, Tomorrow, Al Quds is ours


اخر تعديل الخميس, 21 نيسان/أبريل 2022 11:34 قراءة 34995 مرات

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